Woodlawn Court Fire Safety Information

Stairwells must be free of your belongings

The fire service (GM FRS) are likely to conduct random spot checks, not only to see the fire safety works are compliant, but also to see that all of us as owners and residents are also being compliant. This means that no items can be stored in the stairwell, including under the stair. And if there are any items there now, then they should be removed straight away. We have to strictly comply with this to ensure safety for all.

A reminder that fire doors cannot be modified in any way

This is to ensure they remain fully compliant. This includes screwing or nailing items to the front or rear as this will create a hole that compromises the safety of the door. If this is done it could signify that the door fails any future inspections by the fire service. However, sticking items such as numbers or hooks on is at the discretion of the leaseholder.


We were informed by the Fire Service in spring 2020 that we had to take urgent immediate action to comply with fire safety regulations. Immediate temporary enhancements were made with an alert system in stairwells. Substantive changes were made to the fabric of the building during April, May and June 2021. These works bring the development up to the required standard of fire compartmentation (ie, measures to avoid the spread of fire) and include replacement of flat entrance doors and door frames. Certified fire rated doors protect the stairwell as a means of escape and must be maintained in their certified condition for the protection of all residents.




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