
RSPB - swifts in manchester (opens in new tab)

Swifts News - July 2021

Louise from Bolton and Bury Swift Group provides informative and readable updates during the swift nesting season.

Take a look at the July newsletter here

Take a look at the June newsletter here

Swift Boxes at Woodlawn Court

We have eight swift nest boxes fitted at Woodlawn Court with four lures. A big thank you to those who donated to make this possible.

The boxes have been put up by suitably qualified and equipped staff. We chose sites that are close to those sponsors who are in top floor flats. This is because the lure systems need to be fed by speaker wire from a small system inside the flat. And this also reduces the possibility of a nuisance being caused to other residents. If they work well and are acceptable generally, we can look at adding more.

Mature pairs will be nesting in Manchester now, the younger birds that pair up for the first time this year will be looking for nesting sites through June and July. Once they have a site, they'll return to the same one each year, so there's still plenty of time for those first-timers to find us. Though we should say that there's every possibility it could take a few years before new nest sites become occupied.

Click the picture above to read about swifts on the RSPB's website.

You can see a live webcam feed from the Oxford University Museum tower here. Or click the picture below.
Oxford University Museum of Natural History - swifts in the tower - webcam
Oxford 28-May-2019

If you'd like a bit of help on the differences between swifts, swallows and martins, take a look at this RSPB page.






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